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Adults and children are eligible to enroll in the Flint Registry. If you choose to enroll your child, you will be asked to fill out a survey. This survey will include questions about your child’s background, health, development and exposure to Flint water. You will need to complete a separate survey for each child. The child survey will take about 45 minutes to complete for each child. You can choose one of these ways to complete your survey: online, over the phone, at the Flint Registry office, or by filling out and mailing back a paper copy of the survey. After completing the survey, you will be mailed a $50 thank-you check for each survey.
If you agree to be referred to services, the Flint Registry team will share your information and connect you to community services your child may be eligible for. These services may include medical insurance, nutrition support, early learning support for children, and home lead identification and fixing.
The Flint Registry will continue to contact you in the future with follow-up surveys to see how you are doing, newsletters and announcements, additional resources to help you and your family, and invite you to participate in future projects.